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Alice in Wonderland

KIckstart Theatre Company  /  Directed by Steven Stead

Elizabeth Sneddon Theatre, Durban, 2019/2020  

'Fantastic…definitely a must see for all ages – an entertaining, scrumptiously sumptuous piece of theatre. Iain Robinson and James Cuningham are special in their roles as Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee.Chris Sutton, The Ratline

"Alice in Wonderland is a blast... to say it is enormous fun for the whole family is an understatement! Of note is a showstopping comedy routine involving a duel between Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum.Billy Suter, SoSuterBill


"Theatre magic, pure and simple. Tweddle Dee and Tweedle Dum are played by the scene-stealing duo of Iain Robinson and James Cuningham. They had me in stitches with their comedy double-act, which includes an epic rap battle and a sword fight that owes more than a little to Star Wars." Estelle Sinkins, The Witness


"Captures the audience from the start. The humorous antics from Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum are notably our favorite duo, played by Iain Robinson and James Cuningham and had us in stitches!"


"A true gem of a production, I sincerely cannot recommend it enough.. Comedy duo Iain Robinson and James Cuningham stand out as Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. Their rap duel and sword fight sequence (complete with Star Wars light sabre sound effects) is genuine laugh-out-loud stuff, as is their hysterical handling of the obligatory audience sing-along number towards the end of the night. If ever a production deserved a standing ovation, it was this one." Barry Meehan, Artsmart


The Play That Goes Wrong

Kickstart Theatre Company  /  Directed by Steven Stead 

Elizabeth Sneddon Theatre, Durban, 2018

"A sure-fire hit... a quick and hearty standing ovation... a stand-out James Cuningham as Robert" Billy Suter, Natal Mercury

"The most hilarious piece of theatre I have ever seen. A stand out piece is a ‘cantilevered’ floor set above the main stage. James Cuningham’s antics on this is one of the funniest scenes of the play." Chris Sutton, Pub Matters

"James Cuningham – good to see him back in Durban – astounds with his physical ability. Mindblowing" Caroline Smart, Artsmart

"James Cuningham is on great form as Robert... Dangerously funny". Estelle Sinkins, Natal Witness


Sunday Morning  /  Roadkill

Hello Elephant Theatre Company

Written by Nick Warren  /  Directed by Jenine Collocott

Riverside Studios, London  /  Edinburgh Fringe Festival  /  Market Theatre  National Arts Festival  /  Theatre on the Square  /  Hilton Arts Festival

Kalk Bay Theatre  /  St Anne's Theatre  /  Catalina Theatre

SA Schools Festivals, 2011 - 2015 



"As heart wrenching as it is rib-tickling... Sunday Morning is a wonderfully written play, performed with aplomb, sincerity and superb comic timing by Cuningham." Ben Hewis, What's On Stage, UK

"James Cuningham is a fine actor, albeit that this is his first solo performance. He holds the audience in the palm of his hand throughout. Both his miming and his timing skills are superb." Moira De Swart, ArtsComments

"A masterpiece... a rare depth to both the drama and the comedy. Cuningham lays his emotions bare. An absolutely stunning piece of theatre."

Lesley Stones, Daily Maverick

"As for the acting, it's quite simply flawless. Cuningham is one classy act" Carla Lever, 48 Hours

"Charming, chilling... theatre at it's best. Cuningham is one of those performers who will conquer his obstacles. It’s part of his journey and we are the ones who benefit. Don't miss it" Diane de Beer, What's On Durban

"A magisterial performance…  a tour de force by the most exacting standards, from the brilliant, wordless preface to the last speech." Cape Argus

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Winner: Best Actor (Fleur du Cap Awards)

Nominated: ; Best Actor / Best Production / Best Director / Best Lighting Design (Naledi Awards); Best Script (Fleur du Cap Awards)

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Don't Dress for Dinner

Kickstart Theatre Company  /  Directed by Steven Stead

Montecasino Theatre  /  Theatre on the Bay, 2012

"Fabulous farce... delightful... superb ensemble cast" Moira de Swart, Artslink

"The glamorous production fields an all star local cast, headed by James Cuningham" 24 Hours

"This hilarious production will leave you begging for seconds... one of the year's funniest shows" Eugene Yiga, Bizcommunity

"The cast shares great chemistry and all have moments that will make you laugh, but the stand-out performances are certainly those of Robert Fridjhon and James Cuningham... hysterical" Claudia Hunter, WhatsOn, CapeTown



Fresco Theatre Company  /  Directed by Helen Iskander

National Arts Festival  /  Hilton Arts Festival  /  Theatre on the Square  /  Intimate Theatre  /   Knysna Playhouse  /  House on Fire, Swaziland   St Anne's Festival  /  Harare International Arts Festival, 2006 - 2009

James Cuningham is phenomenal in his intense and stoic portrayal of Janusz”

Clint Tessendorf. Cue


“Keren Tahor and James Cunningham deliver immaculate performances”

Ismail Mohamed, Artslink


"Cuningham's portrayal is nothing short of magnificent... leaves the audience barely breathing” Ina Randall, The Herald


“Jutro is a brilliantly performed work by Keren Tahor and James Cuningham and is a must see for your arts calendar this year.” Mike Humphries, Artslink


The Chaplinesque James Cuningham brilliantly pours enormous pathos and insight into this everyman who is willing to put his own life on the line for his impossible dream.” Adrienne Sichel, The Star


“Actors Keren Tahor and James Cunningham, together with director Helen Iskander, have fashioned a brave play that jumps with life, intelligent perceptions and understandings. They use fine nuances of understatement and powerfully funny mime sequences to describe a period of darkness and savagery so strange and disgraceful it beggars understanding.” Mary Jordan, Business Day


“A hot favourite at the Grahamstown Festival, this superb two-hander delivers with interest. Impeccable performances by James Cuningham and Keren Tahor

David Pike, The Natal Witness

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Winner: Best Set Design (Naledi Awards)

Nominated: Best Actor / Best Cutting-Edge Production /  Best Director / Best Sound Design (Naledi Awards)

Wood For The Trees

Fresco Theatre Company   /  Based on The Man Who Planted Trees by Jean Giorno

Dir: Jaci Smith  /  Performed by James Cuningham, Gys De Villiers, Helen Iskander, Rob Van Vuuren

National Arts Festival Main Programme  /  Hilton Arts Festival Main Programme / Aardklop Festival Main Programme

"Wood for the Trees is a magical visual experience created by four highly skilled performers – the action is compelling from start to finish with some achingly poignant moments in between. Don’t miss it" Caroline Smart, Artslink

"A lyrically visual, feel-good delight" Cue Review

"As innovative as theatre gets" What's On, Johannesburg


Baobabs Don't Grow Here

Fresco Theatre Company  /  Directed by Sylvaine Strike

Edinburgh Fringe Festival  /  UK and Ireland tour  /  National Arts Festival  /  KKNK  /  Hilton Arts Festival /  National Schools Festival  /  House on /fire, Swaziland  /  Harare International Arts Festival  / Catalina Theatre, 2002 - 2005  

"A theatrical masterpiece long to be remembered and admired... fresh, superbly creative, clever and tremendously entertaining with all elements of true theatre firmly in place. The two performers take you on a journey that convinces you that the theatres can and will be filled to maximum capacity again. Hilarious, heartrending and superbly entertaining" Thomie Holzhausen, Artsmart

Nominee, Best Ensemble, The Stage, UK

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What If?

TohuBohu Theatre Company

Dir: Carolina Valdes

Performed by Joseph Alford, Toni Arteaga, Quinn Bauriedel, James Cuningham, Emmanuelle Delpech

Barcelona / Windsor Theatre, UK / Edinburgh Fringe Festival 1999

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BBC World, Edinburgh Fringe Festival feature

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